Puerto Galera Marine Life Photos – By Nathan Griffiths

Blue Ribbon Divers Nathan GriffithsNathan came and dived with us around 6 months ago. He has worked as a professional underwater photographer in Australia before, yet instead of focusing on the marine life, he used to take pictures of divers and diving groups.

Since he has come to Puerto Galera, his focus has changed. Now Nathan has gone macro. Our first dive with him was a lucky one. On our first dive at Sabang Wrecks, we found a Frogfish, Seahorse, Ornate Ghost Pipefish and also some Skeleton Shrimp, along with a host of other interesting creatures.

Nathan now spends one month here, then one month back in Australia then back again.

His skill as a macro photographer has grown over the last few months, to be in our opinion one of the Philippines best photographers. He has also become a very good friend to all at the Blue Ribbon Dive Resort.

I hope you enjoy the photos, and you can see why Puerto Galera is the best diving destination in the Philippines.
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